Watch live shows from the Moscow theatres
Event Venue:
Live from MoscowEvent Date:
starting Nov 2013
Over the years, the theater remains one of the most popular entertainments.The viewer receives positive energy, new and exciting information, as well as an opportunity to raise their cultural level . But not everyone can afford to constantly visit the new performances. It's even harder to make it in smaller cities, where there is often only one theater company, and you would want at least a few hours to immerse into another world!
Streaming performances online have been gaining popularity - they allow you to devote an evening to the theater without ever leaving your home. The problem with most of these performances is their relevance - they could be mostly old productions that many have already seen, or videos can be of the same exact play, without much variety. And finally, the quality - you could be faced with a lot of interruption from annoying ads, edited/shortened scenes or poor image quality . In either case, it is better to pay a small amount of money and get a quality product that will give you an opportunity to truly enjoy a theatrical performance .
The performances online - an opportunity to see the best Moscow productions in real time. Without leaving your home, you can experience the world of theater classics ( Don Quixote , Marriage, The Queen of Spades, Taming of the Shrew) or see the hits (Talents and Admirers, Mademoiselle Nitouche, The Possessed), all in excellent quality. (via
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