Alexander Militarev Poetry Reading
Event Venue:
Russian Bookstore No. 21174 Fifth Ave (between 22nd and 23rd St)
Event Date:
October 20, 2009
Reading of poetry from his collection of original verse in Russian and translations of poetry from English and Spanish "Homo Tardus (Поздний человек)”[The Late Man] published in Moscow this year
Tuesday, October 20, 6:30 PM
Russian Bookstore No. 21
174 Fifth Ave (between 22nd and 23rd St)
Alexander Militarev is a linguist and cultural anthropologist having over 120 publications (including popular scientific magazines and mass media), lecturer and University educator in Semitic, Jewish, Biblical, Near Eastern and African studies, world civilization, comparative religion, Russian language, literature and culture. He is a Doctor of Philology, professor of History and Philology of the Ancient East at the Russian State University for theHumanities in Moscow, member of the American-Russian Project "Evolution of Human Languages" in The Santa Fe Institute (Santa Fe, NM), etc.