Bilingual Poetry Reading by Julia Nemirovskaya
Julia will read scattered poems and excerpts from her three latest series, "The Trashed Objects", "The Twelve," and "The Forest Fires."
Event Venue:
Virtual ZOOM meetingEvent Date:
Thursday, December 17, 2020 | 6 PM EST
Julia will read scattered poems and excerpts from her three latest series, "The Trashed Objects," "The Twelve," and "The Forest Fires." She will also read several prose works and reflect on her life and work in the ensuing discussion and will be happy to answer any questions the audience may have.
Julia Nemirovskaya graduated from Moscow State University (BA, 1985; PhD, 1991) and was one of the "new wave" poets (member of Kirill Kovaldzhi Poetic Seminar and "Poetry Club"). She published her first poetry book in 1998. Her later books include "Russian Cultural History" (with McGrow-Hill Publishers), poetry collections, and the novel "Lis [Fox]" (with "Vodolei"). She has published stories, poems and articles in various journals like "Znamya," "GLAS," "Asymptote," "Vozdukh," "Novyi Bereg," "Okno," "Literaturnaya Gazeta," "Banyan Review," "Stanford Literary Magazine," "Two Lines," etc. Her poems have been translated into several languages. Since 1988, Julia Nemirovskaya has been teaching literature and theater in Europe and the US. (in Russian)
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View the video by Roman Khidekel via YouTube
From the author via Facebook:
Творческий вечер - огромная для меня радость, а теперь еще и можно приглашать друзей отовсюду. Ведущая - прекрасная Регина Хидекель Regina Khidekel. Буду читать старое и новое минут сорок-пятьдесят, отвечать на вопросы и просто смотреть на любимых друзей в окошки. Жду, буду счастлива, если кто-то придет послушать!
The talk will be moderated by Regina Khidekel, art critic and curator, RACC Literary Series.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, Cojeco and Tianaderrah Foundation.