Cyborgs / The SLASH Series / Season 2
Event Venue:
Russian Bookstore No.21174 Fifth Ave (between 22nd and 23rd St)
Event Date:
February 27, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 6:30 PM
Третий вечер из серии SLASH/Киборги (Сезон 2).
The curator of the series – Irina Mashinski, poet
Producer – Regina Khidekel, RACC director
In Russian
Does it really matter what a poet does besides writing, how he/she earns a living. Do poets working in the same field have anything in common? Poets/teachers, poets/architects… Our series is about the word to the right of the slash. On February 27th, the word is "cyborgs" – poets in the world of informatics and digital logic.
The poets will say a few words on their experience being cyber-professionals in America and the ways everyday work informs their writing. They will read their poetry in Russian.
Vladimir Druk was a founding member of the famous Poetry Club in Moscow during the waning days of the Soviet Union, along with Nina Iskrenko, Dmitri Prigov, Alexei Parshchikov, among others. Druk is highly regarded for his experimental verse, echoing the work of Khlebnikov and the early Futurists of Russia, a vital poetry, which digs into the roots of language in an effort to untangle meaning beyond language. His collections include The Switchboard, Disposable Birds, The Drawn Apple and The Second Apple. His poetry has been anthologized and published in Crossing Centuries: The New Russian Poetry, and Third Wave, among other anthologies, and literary journals.
Another member of the legendary Poetry Club in Moscow, Vladimir Efroimson was born in 1950 in Moscow. Since 1993 he lives in USA. A mathematician by education, he started writing poetry in early 1970s. His poems were published in the Poetry Day almanac and other literature magazines and anthologies. His first book of poems was published in Moscow in 1992. In 2010, Vladimir Efroimson's poetry collection Such a Movie came out in StoSvet Press (New York).
Mikhail Rabinovich was born in 1959, in Leningrad, former Soviet Union. He worked there, of course, as an engineer. He came to New York in 1991. Here he works, of course, as a computer programmer. Rabinovich is his pen-name, though his real name is also Rabinovich. His works came out in print in four countries, ranging from The New Russian Word to Odessa's Fountain and from the Slovo/Word journal to The Independent Newspaper. Mikhail was a collaborator in ten prose and poetry almanacs, published on both sides of the Atlantic ocean. He is a winner of the Russian America Internet competition (2001). He is the author of two books: Far Away from Me, a book of short stories, as well as In the Light of Unclear Events, a collection of poems.