The Second Woolf Memorial Readings
Event Venue:
Russian Bookstore No.21174 Fifth Ave, New York, New York 10010
Event Date:
Saturday, December 6, 2014 | 6:30 PM
This year the readings are dedicated to the generation of Russian-American poets born in the late 1960s and 1970s.
Featured in the program are readings by Polina Barskova, Dana Golin, Helga Olshvang, Elena Suntsova, Alexander Stessin & Alexander Veytsman
We will also be presenting the new book published by StoSvet Press: Diptych by Slava Polishchuk. The book is dedicated to the memory of two friends of the author: poet Oleg Woolf and artist Alexey Afanasyev.
Diptych, as well as the Storony Sveta Journal #15 and other books published by StoSvet Press, will be available for purchase at discounted event prices.
The StoSvet literary journal, which began in 2005, today includes the Cardinal Points Journal (in English) and the "Стороны Света"/Storony Sveta journal (in Russian), the Stosvet Press publishing house, and the Compass Translation Award. Founding director: Oleg Woolf (1954-2011). Editor: Irina Mashinski
Oleg Woolf’s biographical note:
Cardinal Points Journal and the StoSvet Literary Project:
Вулфовские чтения 2014 мы посвящаем замечательному поколению литераторов, родившихся в 1970-е: Полина Барскова, Елена Сунцова, Дана Голина, Хельга Ольшванг, Александр Вейцман и Александр Стесин.
а также новая книга изд-ва StoSvet press: "Диптих" Славы Полищука. Книга состоит из двух эссе, посвященных памяти друзей художника - Олега Вулфа и Алексея Афанасьева
В продаже книги изд-ва и 15-й номер журнала "Стороны света", посвященный Олегу Вулфу.
Вечер представляют Литературный проект "СтоСвет" (редактор Ирина Машинская) и Russian American Cultural Center (директор Регина Хидекель)