The Slash Series 7/Artists
Event Venue:
The SLASH Series 7/ArtistsRustico Café 135 1st Ave NYC 10003 (St Marks Place & 9 Str) Subway: L, F and 6 @ Astor Place 212-777-0555
Event Date:
Thursday, April 30, 2015 7.00 PM
Russian American Cultural Center
and the StoSvet literary project
The SLASH series/ Season 3
/artists and photographers
An evening of poetry and reflection
Rita Balmina
Helga Olshvang
Alexander Ocheretyansky
Slava Polishchuk
Mark Polyakov
with a special guest Alexandra Rozanman
Thursday, April 30, 2015
7.00 PM
The curator of the series – Irina Mashinski, StoSvet editor
Producer – Regina Khidekel, RACC director
In Russian
~~~~ Rustico Café 135 1st Ave NYC 10003 (St Marks Place & 9 Str) Subway: L, F and 6 @ Astor Place 212-777-0555
Does it really matter what a poet does besides writing, how he/she earns a living. Do poets working in the same field have anything in common? Poets/teachers, poets/architects… Our series is about the word to the right of the slash. On April 30, the word is “artists and photographers.”
Rita Balmina, born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1958. Repatriated to Israel in 1990, since 1999 resides in the US. Educated as a designer, member of Israeli Union of Artists (1991), Israeli Union of Writers (1994), and PEN-Club (1998). Author of seven books.
Helga Olshvang, writer, poet and a filmmaker, in the US since 1996. Her films Being Far from Venice(1998), Objects in Mirror are Closer than They Appear (2002), A Journey of Dmitry Shostakovich (2006, co-directed with Oksana Dvornichenko), A Film About Anna Akhmatova (2008), and Diversions (2009) have been screened at many international film festivals and significant American and European venues such as Carnegie Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall and the Louvre Auditorium.
She has authored three books of poetry: 96th Book, by Composer Publishing House; followed by The Reed and Poetry Works by Pushkinskiy Fond. Her poetry has also been published and reviewed in preeminent Russian literary magazines and anthologies.
Alexander Ocheretyansky, born in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1946 and currently resides in Fairfield, Connecticut.
After graduation from the Institute of Culture he worked as a librarian. In 1979 he immigrated to the US, where he worked as a guard, a salesman, and a porter. All these years, he wrote poetry and essays.
Since 1989, the editor and publisher of literary/visual almanac Chernovik.
The author of eight books of poetry: «Листья». New York, Event, 1982; Графика. (Event, New York, 1984); Очень избранное. Podval, New York, 1985; Не влезающий в раму ПОРТРЕТ. Пермь, АРАБЕСК, 1993 ; Опять избранное. Издательство ЛИА Р. Элинина, Москва, 1999 ; Частицы бессчисленных «Я». Моск. Гос. Музей им. В.Сидура, Москва, 2001); ЛОГИ. Chlensky Publishing, New York, 2004; СОЛЯНКА СБОРНАЯ / CHOWDER a COLLECTION. Зверевский центр современного искусства, Москва, 2009, and one book of poetry and short prose: Из восьмидесятых. Holyoke, New England Publishing, 1986. His poems and visual works have been presented in many anthologies, magazines, almanacs, textbooks, and exhibitions.
photo by Asya Dodina
Slava Polishchuk, born in Russia, currently resides in New York. Since 2003, works in collaboration with Asya Dodina. Graduated from the Moscow Art School Named After The Year 1905, received a MFA and BA in Painting/Drawing and Printmaking from the Brooklyn College, NY. His paintings were presented at Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, and Chelsea Art Museum, New York, among others, and recent solo exhibitions include International Center of Arts, Remagen, Germany; Fox & Fowle Gallery, NY; 55 Mercer Gallery, NY; Pace University, NY; Brooklyn College, NY; Moscow International Art Salon, Central House of Artists, Moscow; Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, NJ.
His art projects have been supported by NY State Council of the Arts and awarded by Firehouse Art Gallery, Nassau Community College; The Charles G. Shaw Memorial Award for Excellence in Painting, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, The Joan Mitchell Foundation Nominee; The Ben Uri Gallery, London; Golden Key National Honor Society, Atlanta. Books: Time of Happiness, Moscow, 1994; Army Notebook, Moscow, 1995; What Remains, New York, 2013; Diptych, New York, 2014.
Mark Polyakov, born in Tbilisi, Georgia, in 1948.
In 1973, graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Art, member of the Union of Artists of Georgia and Russia.
Group exhibitions in Tbilisi, Moscow, Berlin, Tel Aviv, and New York; five personal shows in Tbilisi, Moscow and New York;
Worked as a stage and interior designer, book illustrator, participated in performances, created installations and paintings; organized and supervised the Laboratory of Experimental Graphics in the Georgian House of Artists in Tbilisi, and since then experimented in graphics and new printing technologies, including recent interests in computer graphics, digital photography, and art in social networks.
The Russian American Cultural Center (RACC) provides permanent cultural representation to the more than 700,000 Russian-speaking residents in the New York City Metropolitan area. In addition to supporting cultural awareness and understanding of Russian-American emerging artists, Russian history and culture, the Russian American Cultural Center (RACC) aims to promote cultural exchange and cultural diversity among all of New York City’s cultural communities through shared experiences and mutual values. The Russian American Cultural Center (RACC) is a place where New York’s Russian-speaking immigrants may become culturally integrated into mainstream America, and where the American public may become more culturally aware and educated about Russian culture, history and art. ---
Founded in 2005 by poet Oleg Woolf (1954-2011), the StoSvet project ( includes the Cardinal Points Literary Journal , the English language periodical with the emphasis on Russian culture and the art of translation; the Russian version of the journal (“Стороны Света/Storony Sveta”), the Stosvet Press publishing house, and the Compass Translation Award.