Tides + DJ Spinozas Dozen Release Reading
Event Venue:
Russian Bookstore No.21174 Fifth Ave (Between 22 & 23 Streets)
New York, New York 10010
Event Date:
March 19, 2007
Monday, March 19, 6:30 PM
Russian Bookstore No.21
174 Fifth Ave (Between 22 & 23 Streets)
New York, New York 10010
Genya Turovskaya and Eugene Ostashevsky
Genya Turovskaya's poetry chapbook The Tides and Eugene Ostashevsky's poetry chapbook DJ Spinoza's Dozen have both just been released by Octopus Books, and may be acquired on octopusbooks.net for $6 each.
For additional information please call: (212) 924-5477 or (646) 831-0554
Visit our Website: www.russianamericanculture.com
Genya Turovskaya
Genya Turovskaya was born in Kiev, Ukraine and grew up in New York City. Her original poetry and translations from Russian have appeared in Chicago Review, Conjunctions, 6x6, Aufgabe, Poets and Poems, Octopus, and other publications. She lives in Brooklyn where she edits the Eastern European Poets Series at Ugly Duckling Presse.
Eugene Ostashevsky
Eugene Ostashevsky's books of poetry include Iterature and Infinite Recursor Or The Bride of DJ Spinoza, both available through Ugly Duckling Presse. His work has also appeared in Best American Poetry, Jubilat, Boston Review, and Fence. A recipient of a 2005 poetry fellowship from NYFA, he also translates Russian absurdist literature of the 1930s, and is the editor of OBERIU: An Anthology of Russian Absurdism, published by Northwestern University Press.